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$5 per month

Entry level benefits

access to free TTS in twitch channel
Entry into monthly giveaway
Membership only channel access in discord
request products and see what is coming soon.
once a month VIP meet up in discord
Personalized rewards and recognition
10% of entire merch purchase
access to community chat
$12 per month
access to free TTS in twitch channel
Membership only channel access in discord
request products and see what is coming soon.
once a month VIP meet up in discord
Entry into monthly giveaway
Personalized rewards and recognition
10% of entire merch purchase
5 entries in monthly give away
access to community chat
$25 per month
access to free TTS in twitch channel
Membership only channel access in discord
request products and see what is coming soon.
once a month VIP meet up in discord
Entry into monthly giveaway
Personalized rewards and recognition
10% of entire merch purchase
appreciation for being a ultimate supporter.
3 consecutive months is a free hoody
10 entries into monthly giveaway
access to community chat